I help remote teams create dreamy team culture without going into the office.


You have an amazing team but working in a remote setting has led to new challenges that you simply don’t have time or capacity to deal with.

It is becoming harder and harder to retain people in this job market and the next generation of workers expect something better.



  • Your team is growing fast and it's exciting, but it’s harder than ever to build a strong team culture and rapport in a virtual environment.

  • Without being in an office it is hard to tell how your staff is feeling (and what they're doing) and you're struggling to build trust and accountability.

  • You're spending too much time managing and putting out fires instead of focusing on hitting your targets and creating the impact you want to see.

  • Communication is a struggle and with the heavy workload you find yourself trapped at your desk not knowing when you'll be needed, or whether you'll receive deliverables on time.

  • Your people are showing up to meetings with low energy and are hesitant to contribute - this is making meetings awkward and something you dread rather than look forward to.

  • Your people are complaining of burnout and seem stressed but when you ask what the issues are, people seem uncomfortable to share.

Team Synergy is in your Future

✔ Stop losing sleep worrying about what your team is thinking and whether you are doing enough to support them.

✔ Stop taking it personally when your team seems stressed and isn’t sharing how they’re truly feeling.

✔ Stop letting team dynamics and team culture affect the way YOU show up to work and what you’re able to accomplish.

Too many remote leaders feel like they are barely keeping their head above water trying to grow their business, drive revenue AND take on the challenges that come with leading a team in this changing landscape.

This is where I come in.

Helping teams overcome the challenges of working in a virtual environment - and engaging them in what really matters to them (so they actually love coming to work) is my specialty.

I am not like other team-building facilitators or coaches, I bring a unique background as an applied theatre practitioner, as a mindset coach and as someone who has led teams in a remote environment for almost a decade.

I know the struggles you’re dealing with, and I have a process to help you overcome them.

Having a strong team culture and the relationships to support it IS possible for you and your team
(without going into the office.)