1:1 Uplevel Leadership Coaching Program

The new world of work requires a new kind of leader (and mindset).

Stop getting in your own way, and step into your leadership style with confidence and ease.

Leading a team doesn’t have to be so hard, and you are doing way better than you think.

Coaching will show you all the ways this is true.

Where are you holding yourself back, without even knowing it?

Do you question yourself and doubt whether you’re doing a good enough job for your team?

Do you get caught up putting out fires and managing conflict, rather than on the areas of impact that will help move you forward?

Do you feel like you need more experience in order to finally ask for what you want and need to be successful?

How many of these thoughts and ingrained belief systems are holding you back from stepping into your own self-confidence, taking responsibility for who you want to be at work and in your life, and ultimately having you show up in a lesser, more muted version of who you really are?

Stop it.

The world needs you and your brilliance. And as your coach I’ll help you see that, leverage it, and it will change how you show up and what you create for yourself forever.

And your team will thank you for it.

Your brain can work for you or against you, choose wisely.


In my 1:1 coaching practice Uplevel Leadership, I work with leaders who have ambitious goals and know they have the skills to get where they want to go, but rather than feeling confident, calm and in control of their experience, they are losing sleep over how well they’re doing, how they’ll get there, and never having enough time in the day to do it all.

As a leader - how you show up is not only affecting how YOU feel and the results that YOU create - but is having a huge impact on your team and what THEY can create as well.

The need to get clear and intentional about how you’re approaching:

~ how you make decisions

~ how you spend your time

~ how you navigate conflict

~ how you take action on your goals

(the list goes on)

is ESSENTIAL to you building a work experience that can exceed your wildest expectations, without the unnecessary stress and burnout that way too many leaders are carrying.

Meet Alissa Campbell

Before the Uplevel Leadership Coaching Program, Alissa was in a spiral of doubt and overwhelm as she navigated the challenges that came with the pandemic with her front-line team. She was bringing her work home with her, she was second-guessing her decisions, and she was desperately waiting for the things around her to change so that she could focus on the work that she loved to do, rather than putting out fires everyday. Since Uplevel Leadership, Alissa has learned how to create calm and confidence for herself regardless of what is going on around her. She knows her value, and she trusts herself in a way she never thought possible. Now her team relationships are strong, she gets to do the work that she loves, and she feels free and focused to be the leader she wants to be. And from there she is making more impact than ever.

Learn about how the Uplevel Leadership 1:1 Coaching Program transformed Alissa from worry and overwhelm, to steadfast leader.

If you are ready to explore how coaching will change your life (and the results you create) forever.

Set up a free consultation today.

“Honestly, the coaching session we had yesterday was incredibly valuable and exactly the type of conversation I needed. A huge thank you – I am in awe of your capabilities and definitely look forward to continuing working together.”

— Coaching client